Evacuation Checklists for Pets
3 Easy Steps:
Take your pets with you if you plan to evacuate your home. Pets are happiest with their families.
Determine evacuation locations and options for you and your pets. If you plan to stay with friends or family, make sure they are open to accepting your entire family.
Create Evacuation (Go) Kits by downloading and completing the following checklists. Once completed, enclose them with other documents for each pet. Adobe Acrobat® Reader is required to view and download the checklists.
Dog Evacuation Checklist
Be sure your dogs are ready for the next disaster by using our convenient Go Kit checklist for dogs. Click on the link to view, download, and print.
Cat Evacuation Checklist
Our cat evacuation checklist is designed to step you through things that need to be done so your cat is prepared if you need to evacuate. Complete one for each cat.
Pocket Pets Evacuation Checklist
Pocket pets include Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, and mice to name a few. Avoid transportation in glass enclosures. Be sure to have clear instructions on care and feeding if leaving your pets with others. Click the button to view, print, or download the checklist.
Bird Evacuation Checklist
Domestic birds can stress easily during an evacuation. Special care should be taken to reduce noise and maintain a consistent temperature. Make sure any chemicals used around birds are safe for them.
Pet Evacuation Document Bag
Our convenient document bag helps consolidate all necessary paperwork and pictures for each pet. They come in packs of 5 so you have plenty for each pet.