Frequently asked questions.
Does FLSARC rescue animals?
Sometimes. Florida SARC is a team of volunteers primarily from Florida. We do not have a shelter facility. We rescue and shelter animals only during emergency situations including floods, hurricanes, and animal cruelty cases. We deploy ONLY at the request of authorities or coalition partners and when local resources are overwhelmed.
How is FLSARC funded?
Florida State Animal Response Coalition is now a division of SPCA Florida (www.spcaflorida.org), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Lakeland, FL. Public donations are our primary source of funding. We also receive Grants from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to subsidize training classes. Finally, a small portion come from registration fees and sales. We are a team of volunteers proud to help Florida’s families and pets when emergencies and disasters strike.
Where are classes held?
We have three types of classes: Hosted, Online, and Private. View our Training page for more details.
Hosted - Open to the public with the facility and refreshments provided by a host. Most are located in major Florida cities and counties.
Online - Open to the public and held virtually through Zoom video conferencing. Unlimited high speed internet, computer with a webcam and microphone are required.
Private - Closed to the public, these classes are funded by a government or private organization for their staff and/or volunteers. Registration may open to the public if there are not enough registrations to support a private funded class.
Can I get a refund if I cancel a class?
We are happy to refund fees if you cancel in advance, but no more than 7 days from the scheduled class date (unless it is an emergency). We do not provide refunds to no-shows.
Simply request a refund when you cancel at flsarc@spcaflorida.org.
Does FLSARC deploy outside of Florida?
Our team often deploys with national animal rescue and response organizations throughout the world. We have supported the ASPCA, HSUS, and Red Rover in past events. It is a great way of continually learning, improving best practices, and collaborating with peers.
We only deploy when requested by a government authority or coalition partner.
Do you help with animal hoarding?
Yes, but we only deploy when we are requested by authorities or coalition partners. It is best to contact your local animal control or authority if you have an animal cruelty concern. If they need us, they will request assistance either directly or through the ESF-17 network.
Can you help me evacuate my pets?
Before a disaster - Contact your local emergency operations center or animal control. They are usually the lead organization in a local emergency. Click for links to Florida County resources.
During a disaster - 911 is your best option. We do not deploy in the middle of a disaster.
After a disaster - Contact your local emergency operations center or animal control. They are usually the lead organization in a local emergency. Click for links to Florida County resources.
We also recommend using our pet evacuation sheets to plan an evacuation in advance. It will save you stress and possibly lives.
How do I become a Volunteer?
To become a deployable volunteer with FL SARC, you need to be at least 18 years of age. Next:
For Level 1 Deployment:
Complete our Awareness Course
Complete FEMA’S ICS 100 course
Be vaccinated within 10 years for Tetanus
Create a volunteer profile, submit your training certificates to volunteer@flsarc.org
For Level 2 Deployment:
Be Level 1 Deployable
Complete FEMA’S ICS 200, 700 and 800 courses
Prove at least 10 hours of feline and/or canine care
Complete our Operations Course
Submit your Operations and FEMA certificates to be uploaded to your volunteer profile: volunteer@flsarc.org
Go to www.flsarc.org/volunteers for more information